
How To Take Care Of Your Cat’s Health

It is easy to take super-vigilant care of your cat, but sometimes the best way for them is through a health care professional. It’s essential that you know how to properly care for your cat in case you or someone else can’t do it themselves. The following are ways to help your cat maintain good health and avoid emergencies.

1. Bathe your cat regularly

This step is obvious and should be done at least once per month, more if needed. You’ll want to use a shampoo that is designed for Cats, along with a gentle conditioner. The coat will be left soft and smelling fresh. This will also keep their coats from matting up and getting dirty, which means less shedding and less time cleaning their fur off of your clothes and furniture.

2. Brush your Cat regularly

Brushing a cat’s fur regularly keeps the coat shiny and clean, preventing the build-up of dandruff or dead hair on the skin. It will also minimize shedding if done consistently. You’ll want to brush through their coat in a downward motion with a natural bristle brush, such as one made out of boar’s hair or horsehair that can reach through their entire body length.

3. Use a flea comb to check for fleas

This is a great way to see if your cat is suffering from any Flea or Tick problems or to see if you are dealing with the early signs of infestation. It’s also a good way to check that you took care of any problem areas before it becomes too much for you to handle.

4. Be prepared for emergencies

It’s important that you have the proper Cat health equipment on hand, just in case your cat is injured or sick, requiring medical attention in an emergency situation. You’ll want to keep some kind of first aid kit on hand, along with any recommended medications and a phone number of someone that you trust to call if the need arises.

5. Ask your veterinarian for tips on taking care of your cat

This is the best place to start for the health care professional about what your cat’s diet should be or how often they should get their shots or dental cleanings. You can also ask how you can prevent fleas from infesting your household or how you can help prevent problems from happening in the first place, such as ear problems, flea allergies, and more.

6. Don’t over-pet your cat

It’s easy to want to pet your cat, especially when they look at you with those big eyes pleading for reciprocation. But too much petting can cause them stress, and may be aggressive with other people or animals. Be firm but also affectionate. Don’t let your cat take advantage of you.

7. Handle your Cat properly

Be sure that you’re always in control of the situation when handling your cat, whether playing with them or during a medical procedure that requires you to hold them down or restrain them from moving independently. This will prevent accidents and keep everyone safe when things don’t go quite as planned.


The most important thing to remember is that when you own a Cat, there’s nothing more important than taking care of them and making sure they’re healthy. They can live up to 20 years and longer, so you want to make sure that they’re happy while they’re with you.

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June 6, 2022