
How To Train Your Dog’s Character

Most dog owners treat their pet dogs just like their children.

They are even considered a member of the family. Thus, just like we discipline our children, we also want to give proper training and discipline to dogs to develop their good character.

Every dog has a unique personality. These behaviors are the results of their genetics or kind of breed, personal experience, and environment. Thus, these are usually innate and permanent characteristics of your dogs that you cannot change even if you apply proper and professional training.

Some of us have the misconception that if our dog has a rude personality, we apply training with high hopes that we can change the behavior that we don’t like. But honestly, training cannot change the very essence of their personality (https://www.barkbusters.ca/blog/will-training-change-your-dogs-personality/).

However, training plays an important role in helping our dogs learn some behaviors we want them to develop and remove some problematic behaviors. This means we can help improve their innate characters for the better without removing the essence of their personality. Since we mentioned that dogs have individual characteristics, we should tailor our discipline and training to the kind of personalities that they have. Thus, before applying training to your dogs, get to know the general and innate personality of the breed of your dog.

There may be varieties of styles in training your dogs depending on their personalities, but one thing that should remain common is that training should never be cruel like yelling at them or hitting them. This will just scare them and make them confused about what instruction you are giving them. Just like a harsh discipline to our kids will never be effective, the same goes with our dogs. They respond more to discipline and training that are gentle, patient, and calm commands we give.

It is also important to incorporate positive reinforcement and give commendations or praises to your dogs. For example, if you give them a command gently and calmly, they will most likely respond to it and follow. This is the perfect time for you to commend them by giving them a tap on their forehead or even giving them treats. They will feel the affirmation you gave them and will most likely remember it. Thus, persistent discipline and keeping it consistent will make your training more effective as they can retain this information.

Remember that our dogs are not inherently resistant to training. They like discipline. But don’t forget to show them that you are the leader and you will teach them how to properly behave. Once they are used to the idea that they have a leader to follow, most probably they will obey and follow your commands. Just be patient and you will reap the reward of having a dog with a charming personality.