
Process Of Training Your Kitten To Behave

Cat training is a complicated, time-consuming, and sometimes heartbreaking process. But with patience, organization, and some tips, you can train your cat to behave! Here are some helpful hints on how to accomplish this challenging task.

First, you will need to give your kitten all of the toys they could possibly want. If you don’t have a large enough space for a litter box, get one or two additional boxes for toys.

Once all the toys are done, start by training your cat to go in the litter box. You can start by giving them delicious treats (the kind of food a cat prefers) and praise them when they go in the box. You may need to do this multiple times before they actually feel comfortable doing it on their own.

Once your kitten is successful at going in the litter box, you can move on to other training methods such as playtime. Playtime is a good bonding time between you and your cat and should be supervised at first. While playing, put a collar on your kitten and walk around the house with them. The easiest way to teach them how to get down is to use the collar with a harness. If your cat does not want to go in their litter box, you can use a leash on them and take them outside.

When training your cat, always reward good behavior and ignore bad behavior. For example, if your cat poops in the litter box and you clean it up, reward that behavior by scratching behind their ears or petting them. If they poop in the house, praise them for hiding it. Praising good behavior is a very important part of training.

Finally, don’t expect to be able to train your cat in one day. It takes time and patience to build up trust and a strong relationship between you and your cat. Be prepared for some cuddles, some tears, and plenty of messes!


The steps to train a kitten are really simple, but the actual training part is hard. Patience and love can get you far with your kitten, but you will still have to work with them. It’s a challenge that you will need to be prepared for if you want it to work out!