
Tips To Keep Cat Litter Box Clean.

It is good to keep your cat litter box a tidy, odor-free environment for your pet to enjoy. Keeping the litter clean, however, can be a pain in the neck. You might have thought it would be easy to scoop out the old sand and clumps of sticky paws, but you are quickly motivated to change your mind as each piece of litter crumbles under your paw and bits stick to you.

Below are some tips to help you keep your cat litter clean.

Empty on daily basis.

To ensure that your cat litter box stays clean and free of odor, empty it out on a daily basis. Scoop out any solids into a plastic bag and discard of the bag by tying it before you throw it into the trashcan outside. Wash any large pieces of litter with a damp rag. Make sure that you dispose cat litter without putting them into the city’s garbage collection unit as it may result in a blockage to the machine causing serious problems for the city’s sanitation department.

Choose the right material.

The litter material should be clean and free of fur. It should also be light in weight so that it does not put pressure on the cat’s paws and joints, an injury that could result in arthritis. The litter material should also have a small size to prevent the clumping action of cat litter from over collecting soil, resulting in unwanted smell.

Proper location of cat litter.

Cat litter should be placed at a higher level on the litter box so that the cat has to reach up to use it. Place the litter box in a quiet area away from any hot surfaces that could melt the litter or cause ash. The cat could also get easily attracted to other substances.


Keeping your cat litter box clean can be hard work but it will be well worth your efforts when you see how happy your cat visits the litter box because it is clean and free from odor.