
Top Tips On Cat Nutrition.

Cat is one of the most popular pets in the world and they also require proper nutrition to stay healthy. Cat nutrition is a complicated but important subject because it not only affects a cat’s health, but also influences his behavior and quality of life.

Top Tips on cat nutrition.

Provide fresh water every day.

Water is a basic requirement for cats. Cats are dehydrated easily, so they need plenty of fresh water at all times. It is recommended to change their water daily because cats prefer clean water and they will not drink the same water twice.

You may also provide a fountain or a bowl with moving water since this will help keep their waters clean and reduce the risk of contamination with your cat’s feces.

Provide proteins.

Cats are carnivorous animals and they need proteins in their daily diet. Cats cannot produce essential amino acids on their own so it is best to provide them with whole proteins such as fish, chicken, mutton or eggs.

Provide carbohydrates and fats.

Like any other animal, cats also require carbohydrates and fats. These are found in the form of grains, seeds, nuts and fruits. If the cat consumes a diet rich in carbohydrates, this will affect his metabolism because it will contribute to his weight gain. Too many calories causes cats to overeat and this can lead to infections that are very difficult to treat if left unchecked.

Provide fiber.

Cats have no fiber in their natural diet, so it is recommended to provide them with fiber-rich foods. It is generally easier to provide fiber by feeding them a cereal or food that contains grains than providing whole foods. Cereals are also easy to digest than whole food and they can be fed to cats at any time of the day. It is a good idea to mix cereals with some whole food as this will increase the amount of fiber provided.


The nutrition of the cat should be given due importance, as it can affect his lifespan and health. It is important to consult a veterinarian on the best diet for your cat.